
AI-Driven Transformation - How to Get Traction?

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Duration: 30 minutes

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About the webinar

AI-Driven Transformation - How to Get Traction?

We are currently seeing calls everywhere to revolutionize our business with the new possibilities of artificial intelligence (AI). But how does this actually work? And what do we need to consider in order to use AI in such a way that the AI revolution benefits the business? We will introduce you to a holistic framework and specific approaches for implementing AI. In the webinar, Christoph Tilsner will highlight challenges and recipes for success for companies on the path to AI-driven transformation.

Gain insights on:

  • What does "democratization of AI" mean for companies?
  • What is behind the AI success stories of well-known brands?
  • What hurdles do companies face on the road to AI readiness?
  • Where do we need to start to get AI on the road and make it controllable in the long term?
  • How do we define the cornerstones of a company-wide AI strategy?


Christoph Tilsner

Christoph Tilsner

Senior Consultant, Serviceware SE